Wednesday, August 22, 2007

You really ought to know about this movie

So I created this Excel spreadsheet to track all my DVDs and books because I am a freak. The DVD one is a thing of beauty because I have columns detailing the genre, format, and special notes so that I can do things like separate out my Coen Brothers movies in a jiffy. There’s also a column to track who gave it to me if it was a gift and, most importantly, who has it if it was lent out. I spent quite a bit of time on this since I have such a ludicrous number of DVDs that they really ought to preclude me from having a Netflix membership, but I love Netflix so deeply that I don’t even let thoughts like that bother me. So, imagine how I felt when all my planning and freakish organization failed me as I looked for my Suicide Kings DVD to no avail. It turns out I lent it to Josh before I even made the spreadsheet and it’s now packed in his DVD boxes in his new house in Virginia. I’ll be getting it back soon, so that’s cool but that brings me to the point of this post: Suicide Kings is such a fantastic film, people.

Suicide Kings is one of those movies that most people don’t seem to know about. Most people I know, anyway. When I find someone who has seen that movie and loves it like I do, I feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit. It’s like, “Ah, you love Suicide Kings, so now I feel like I understand you and we will never run out of things to talk about.”

I just love Christopher Walken and Denis Leary so much that I couldn’t believe my luck when I found them in the same movie together. It is utterly quotable in almost any situation, except for the fact that it is laden with so much profanity, but after years of movie watching I am pretty much desensitized to profanity, so that’s really not a problem for me. (Sorry Mom.) If you are also moderately desensitized to profanity and have a love of awesome movies and/or would like to never run out of things to talk about with me, go rent it!


Jimmy Jam said...

profanity in the film (for Dianne):




Ali said...

Dude! You spelled my Mom's name wrong. Also, you are grossly misleading her about the profanity. I don't know which will annoy her more.

Jimmy Jam said...

Dude! She's lucky I remebered who she was at this point. I needed a vacation two months ago and I'm fried.

Unknown said...

I will have to add this one to my netfix. I just watched Strictly Ballroom last night at 1am.