Friday, March 28, 2008

"Edible"? Are you sure about that?

Have you ever been eating honey and thought to yourself, “You know, what’s really missing from this is a big old crunchy hornet”? If so, have I got the website for you!

I discovered this website a couple days ago, and ever since I keep going back to it to gape in horror at the offerings. Aside from giant hornet honey, you can also feast on Mopani worms (salted and ready to eat!), giant toasted leafcutter ants (a perfect party snack alternative to nuts or olives!), and chocolate covered scorpions (detoxified, of course). The website assures you that the scorpion is similar in texture to a Kit Kat, to which I say, “Why not just get a Kit Kat?”

I love how the reindeer pate is promoted as a “farm raised relative of Rudolph,” and that purchasing and consuming curried crocodile meat actually helps save the endangered Wild Siamese crocodiles.

Hungry for more? Check out the description of Weasel Coffee.



Liz said...

I didn't get past the hugh picture of the rolled up centipede skin....:gag:

Anonymous said...

Well, apparently you have never been to the Insectarium in Philadelphia. There are wonderful displays of all types of interesting insects- a real feast for the eyes. And to end your visit a feast for the belly - dried insects, fried insects, chocolate insects, and cheese flavored insects.You get my drift...

Ali said...

That. Is. Awful.