Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh, that is not right.

Is anyone else deeply disturbed by that Career Builders commercial where the copy shop guy’s doppelganger walks in, reaches out, and strokes his double’s face before slinging him over a shoulder and carrying him away, ostensibly to a better career?

It is disturbing. Deeply disturbing.


Liz said...

Yes. Disturbing to say the least. But they do have a really great commericial that came out at the same time. There's a person working at their desk and suddenl their heart rips it's way out or their chest and saunters across the floor and out the building with the caption under it "follow your heart." It's freakin sweet.

Ali said...

Who did they hire for their ad campaign? The biologically impossible love child of Wes Craven and David Lynch?