Monday, June 2, 2008

George Costanza, visionary, serial napper.

“Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.” Isn’t that one of the clichéd things that guy says in that song they like to play at graduation ceremonies? Well, he should have added “and the ability you currently have to function without sleep.” I am a big proponent of the “life just keeps getting better” school of thought, but I am forced to admit that somewhere around the final year of grad school, I lost my ability to pull an all-nighter without repercussions. It used to be that I could skip a night of sleep once or even twice a week and I felt just fine. Then I got to the point where I needed the help of a caffeinated beverage to pull me out of my all-nighter-induced funk. Now the caffeinated beverages don’t even work. I can feel the tiredness underneath the caffeine alertness. And the caffeine alertness isn’t even actual alertness. It’s that shaky, twitchy, feeling-a-little-nauseous, maybe-I’m-gonna-snap-at-the-next-person-who-speaks-to-me kind of alertness. Which isn’t even really alertness. It’s closer in feeling and exhibition to schizophrenia. Or maybe post traumatic stress disorder. No wait, that’s not what I meant. I meant the other one, you know, the other one. Wait, what was I saying?

Man, I need a nap. And maybe one of these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could one those right now after staying up half the night watching that extremely tortuous hockey game last night.