Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Virginia is for lovers... of laziness.

Last week the Stombaugh family stretched our annual reunion to a whole week and relocated it from Portage to Williamsburg, Virginia. Many thanks to Aunt Joan for all her planning and work. It was a marvelous vacation week. We slept in, played games, read, swam, and relaxed. We pretty much lived Aunt Linda’s life for a week. It was fabulous. I finished No Country For Old Men (definitely read this book, people), six back issues of Entertainment Weekly, and put a good dent in my second reading of The Secret History (seriously, run, do not walk, run to the nearest bookstore and buy it. And then buy a second copy and gift it to a person you really like and think should have access to wonderful literature.)

Poor Jen had a sinus infection for most of the week, but she still had a nice, relaxing time. Melis has been teaching Jules the rubber ducky song (and also to love Ernie and despise Elmo) and so I bought Jules a huge rubber ducky at the Williamsburg Toy Shoppe. It's almost as big as she is and I had some reservations that she'd wig out and be terrified of it, but she's totally cool about it. She's going to have to start bathing in the big tub to accommodate her new bath time buddy. While we were in the toy shoppe, some old ladies started cooing over how adorable Julia is and one of them offered to purchase her from us. So that was a little weird. But I like weird.


Kristen said...

Ooo Ali, I'm also partway through reading the Secret History again! It's very interesting to read it with the full outcome in mind.
And I'm a little disturbed that someone offered to buy my baby cousin. No, seriously disturbed.

Liz said...

Have you bought a 2nd copy to gift yet? because I happen to know someone who loves wonderful literature...

Unknown said...

Welcome back! Did you get to work on your tan?

Anonymous said...

Who's the Author of this great book? I'm trying to gain back some of my intelligence by getting back into reading adult-level books. I've been reading too much Winnie the Pooh and Dora lately.

Ali said...

Megs, her name is Donna Tartt. The Secret History is her first novel, which is shocking because she's such an amazing talent. She's also published a second book called The Little Friend, about a young girl trying to find out who murdered her brother when she was just a baby. I eagerly await her third novel.

Sorry Liz, I have not taken my own advice. I only own one copy and it's mine, all mine!

Chris, I got a bit of a tan from the day I spent in my aunt's pool, but not too much. It's pretty faded by now.

Kris, fear not, I'd have never sold Pumpkin. And I agree, there's so much more I'm noticing on the second reading. We'll talk this weekend.

Kristen said...

I should tell you that I packed up nearly every book I own and carted them over to my new apartment except for this one, which I could not bear to be separated from.

I'm looking forward to chatting about it with you, and we should make sure I'm holding Julia at the time, too. Because, of course, she'll be interested in our discussion.

Jimmy Jam said...

This Baby could be yours for a mere $30,000 Dollars.....Hello my little retirement to Tijuana