Friday, August 15, 2008

Gold and silver, baby!

Oh my gosh, I love the Olympics, and I love gymnastics, and I love Nastia and Shawn, and I love being American, and I've had a lot of caffeine, and I love caffeine, and I totally love the Olympics!

It's 1AM and we just took the gold and silver in the Ladies' All-around and I can't think of anything more delightful than that. Olympics, baby!


Liz said...

Oh, I love the Olympics too! I've been staying up a good 3 hours past Zack to watch whatever silly thing is on until 1 a.m. I'm sure I could stream it somewhere the next day, but it's so much better live!

Ali said...

I have also been staying up till all sorts of obscene hours. I am so sleep deprived, but this only happens every four years, and it's rare that we get to see the events live, so I've decided to keep myself upright by pumping my body full of caffeine. I'll sleep when the Olympics are over.