Friday, August 29, 2008

Caller ID bites me yet again

Today has not been my best day. First, I went to the break room to buy a carton of milk for my cereal, only to find that when I returned to my desk there was a big hole in the carton. Then my computer started making hideous beeping noises and, after wrestling with it for a while, I picked up my phone to call the Help Desk. Imagine my shock when the Director answered the phone. I looked down at the caller ID screen in abject horror to see that I had dialed his number accidentally (and don’t ask me how, because it’s not all that similar to the Help Desk line). I seriously considered just hanging up on him until I remembered that he has a caller ID screen too. Blast! There was no getting out of this one. I apologized for the incorrect number and considered just going home and going to bed since I doubt this day can be salvaged.

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