Friday, August 1, 2008

Quotations from a Phase 10 game…

This week Uncle John and Aunt Vicki are visiting from Dallas and they brought Zach with them. So last night Zach, Melis, Alexa, and I were playing Phase 10, and perhaps you can tell how the game went from some of the quotes that were tossed around:

“How could you skip me? I’m a whole phase behind all of you! A whole phase behind! You have no respect for logic!”

“You’re skipping me? Well, I have a long memory.”

“Whoa Zach, you’ve got two 11s there. And you need a 5. And an 8. Did anybody scrutinize the last run he laid down?”

“Alexa! That’s the second time I’ve been one card away from the most hideous phase of the game that I hate the most!”

“See that face? That’s her face of non-remorse.”

“How many skips do you have? Are you slipping him skip cards under the table?”

“I don’t want to hear it, Texas!”

“I can’t stand Allison.”


Kristen said...

Ha, I can visualize the whole thing! Someone needs to run a video camera during all the family games -- it's like our own personal sitcom.

Liz said...

You stopped reading long enough to play phase 10??

Ali said...

I actually had the book right next to me but they barked at me whenever I opened it. I only opened it when people were dealing! It's not like I was neglecting my game duties!