Monday, August 18, 2008

We wear tiaras instead of helmets

So, I decided to join a Fantasy Football team. Now stop that. Stop laughing. Really, if you can’t behave yourself I’m going to have to ask you to leave.

Now, about my new hobby, yes, there is a cousin Fantasy Football league and I just had to get in on it. My fellow players (Melis, Brian, Jen, Josh, Jamie, Jonas, Aaron, Scott, Mark) and I will be drafting at Uncle Denny’s picnic next weekend. Alas, I am dead last in the draw, but at least Tom Brady will surely be gone by then so I won’t be forced to take him, because he and his beady eyes creep me out. I swear, when he’s on TV it’s like he’s looking through the screen at me, getting an idea of the layout of my living room, all the better to hide behind the sofa and jump out and murder me. It’s the eyes. He’s got the dead, cold eyes of a sociopath. But on to more pleasant things: my team name!

After much debate (Team Brown Eyed Girl, Team Clueless, Team I’m Gonna Beat You So Badly I’ll Make You Cry And Then I’ll Tell Your Mama, etc…), I named my team “Quarterback Princess,” after a subpar 1983 TV movie starring Helen Hunt, Tim Robbins (in a small role), and John Stockwell, who you’ll best remember as Cougar in Top Gun, which also starred Tim Robbins in a small role (see how it all comes full circle?) I’m trying to get spun up on the ins and outs of Fantasy Football, but so far the most fun I’ve had was designing my team logo (a pretty, pink scripted “A” on a background of green stripes—I think I’m making my cousins mortified to be in the same league with me.)

I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Now I have to ponder the risks of waiting too long to nab a quality QB.


Amanda said...

I joined a fantasy football league myself... and i'm terrified because I have no clue what I'm doing and am probably going to look like an @$$. Oops. If your mom is reading this, let her know that I didn't mean to swear. It just slipped out. I'm going to get the soap right now.

Kristen said...

What, you didn't name your team after a Kiefer Sutherland movie? I can only imagine how insulted he is.

Ali said...

Yes, well "Team A Time To Kill" didn't quite have the same ring to it.

Manderz, I'm sure you'll do better in your league than I will in mine, but we can commiserate about the impossibility of rooting for Cowboys and Patriots players to do well when we really want the team to tank.

Unknown said...

We have one at work but I am to scared to join!

Amanda said...

Hey - Did ya'll have your draft yet? I had mine on Sunday... There are 16 people in my league... which made for a pretty difficult draft. I didn't get a good QB :o( But I did get 2 quality TE... unfortunately, I can only play 1 per week. Bummer! Call me. I haven't talked to you in forever!