Friday, April 10, 2009

Who are they gonna bring in? Coy and Vance?

So, I think I have it figured out. ABC is the evil network and NBC is the stupid network. I do not watch Law & Order: SVU, but plenty of people do. At least for now. NBC has decided to see if they can’t drive away their remaining fan base by considering the elimination of Detectives Benson and Stabler from their lineup. Have we learned nothing from The Dukes of Hazzard? I love John Munch just as much as any girl, but I know who can carry which shows and who cannot. The network needs to just bite the bullet and give them the money. I’m not really sure what kind of leverage NBC thinks they have here.

Further, they continue in their efforts to submarine Kings, the only place I can currently get my much needed Ian McShane fix. Clearly they must be stopped!

Between this, the cancelling of Pushing Daisies, and the meddling Fox is doing with Dollhouse, I’m beginning to wonder why I bother with television at all. These executives are all lunatics. Lunatics, I say!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You should just get Comcast and then all your problems would be solved. At least they are for me... me and my no cable signal :o( Stupid Comcast. (P.S. I'm using Gena's internet because I don't have internet either. Thanks, Comcast!)