Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Farewell, my sweet, wretched show!

This week, we bid goodbye to the second season of Rock of Love with the Reunion Show. It was pretty standard stuff, except for the moment when 72-pound Daisy ludicrously got up into the face of Heather, a woman built like a tree trunk. Daisy barely got out two insults before Heather swatted her like a fly, sending Daisy reeling backward, but only until Heather got a fistful of Daisy’s cheap extensions and started pummeling her in the most spectacular fashion. Curse Bret Michaels’ cat-like reflexes in pulling them apart!

Bret seems ready to make a go of it with Ambre, so there are no plans currently in the works for a third season, much to my dismay. I wonder if Vince Neil is available.

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