Thursday, April 24, 2008

They cause scenes.

Have you ever heard of Improv Everywhere? You should check out their website. I just love these guys. They started out as this little comedy troupe in NYC that would perform improvisational stunts, known as "missions," throughout the city. Now they’ve expanded all over. Their most recent mission was to send their "agents" to a California little league game and act like it was a pro game. They had fans in the stands screaming for the players of their choice, agents distributing concessions and programs, animal mascots, a jumbotron in the outfield broadcasting color commentators, and they even got the Good Year Blimp to do a fly by. After the game the "fans" swarmed the dugouts asking for players’ autographs.

If you go to the website, you can peruse their missions. Their classic mission is called "No Pants," where every year they coordinate hundreds of people to ride the NYC Subway sans trousers, but my favorite mission is The Moebius.

Check it out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great, another website that I will be addicted to just like youtube.