Monday, January 11, 2010

Second chances are a rare thing...

Okay, so you read on my blog how awesome the show Southland is, and you've been kicking yourself ever since that you didn't catch the seven episodes of season 1 when NBC re-ran them because you know what fantastic taste in TV I have. And really, who could blame you for chastising yourself?

Well, here is the rarest of all things: a second chance. The lovelies over at TNT picked up the show when NBC, in a fit of what I can only imagine was syphilis-induced insanity, cancelled it. And now TNT is showing it from the beginning, kicking it all off with the pilot, commercial-free and with extra footage. Whee! It all happens tomorrow night on TNT at 10:00 PM. (Because TNT has open spots at 10:00 PM for shows like this because they didn't foolishly sign Jay Leno to a ridiculous contract that ate up all their slots for quality dramas. But I'm not going to discuss that any further because rage is bad for the complexion.)

I don't want to give anything away, but I can tell you this much: These guys will be your favorites:


Linda said...

As they should be. TNT rocks!

Amanda said...

Crap. I forgot to set my DVR :o(

Ali said...

Well, you may even have a third chance. I think you can watch them on