Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goings on...

Trivia Night

We had such fun, but we ended up (I think) in 4th place. This means no gift certificate for delicious appetizers next week, but we maintain a five point lead in the overall tournament. This is a pretty sweet lead considering the top three teams each week are usually separated by a point each. Brian was sick this week and didn't go. Perhaps he's the magic that holds us together. But Eric sat in and was his usual melodramatic self.

Cake Night

Tomorrow I start my first cake decorating class. That is, if the weather holds. (This morning, when I left my garage, the alley glistened like a luge track. It was madness, but a fair price to pay for a two-hour delay.) Hopefully, I will learn to make roses out of frosting. That is my chief goal. Photos to follow.

Much Happiness

We recently learned that sweet Wes will be getting a little brother or sister. He's going to be such a good big brother. Kris and I are heading there this weekend for much fun and delightfulness and a total lack of Zack's famous mojitos in honor of this news.

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