Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Does my vain spirit ever tell me I am wrong?

A new BBC adapatation of Emma will soon be underway! Whee! I love BBC adaptations of anything, but especially Jane Austen novels. If I had my way, there would be a constant revolving production of Austen adaptations going on at the BBC. At the very least, I'd like them to give the same care, consideration, and length of running time to all the novels as they've shown to Pride and Prejudice.

No word on casting yet (please cast Richard Armitage as Mr. Knightley, please cast Richard Armitage as Mr. Knightley, please cast Richard Armitage as Mr. Knightley), but the script will be adapted by Sandy Welch. This is excellent news as she is the writer who scripted the productions of Dickens' Our Mutual Friend and Gaskell's North and South, two classic literature adapatations that I own and totally love and watch far too often. Some may have preferred Andrew Davies to script it, but honestly, the way he's been going, I'd expect him to slip in a scene where Emma makes out with Frank Churchill. I don't think the man can be trusted.


Liz said...

ooooh, Richard Armitage. Have you seen the BBC's Robin Hood series?? Not great, but Armitage as Guy of Gisborne makes everything ok.

Ali said...

Where have you seen this? Because I've been trying like crazy to get my hands on some of those episodes and the closest I've come is the OnDemand menu on the flight to London last year. I was supposed to be sleeping but instead I spent my time watching Robin Hood and Little Britain.

Liz said...

I'm not exactly sure actually. Zack found it, so no doubt he did something illegal. I'll ask to be sure.