Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oscar readiness begins!

"Don't distract me. I'm sucking in my cheeks."

I have officially begun to get Oscar ready. The nominations won't be out until February, but you can usually tell which films have Oscar bait written all over them. BBC period pieces starring Kiera Knightley and Ralph Fiennes are practically tattooed with statuettes, so I went to see The Duchess at Westwood yesterday. It was very good, one of those decadent costume dramas with amazing corsetted gowns and lots of melodrama.

I do not care for any of the four principle actors, so it's quite a feat that I enjoyed the film so much. Kiera Knightley, while very talented, has always gotten on my nerves. I think it's the fact that she always looks like she's concentrating too hard on holding her cheekbones so high and making her lips so pouty. Dominic Cooper annoys me for reasons I cannot even verbalize. It is what it is. Hayley Atwell played a very tiresome character in Brideshead Revisited, and I think I just attributed that to Hayley herself, as is my wont. And speaking of actor baggage, I have never been able to see Ralph Fiennes as anything but deeply creepy. Perhaps it's the cold, ice-blue eyes, or the serpent-like gaze he has, but I suspect it's mostly to do with the fact that the first thing I saw him in, he played a Nazi. There's no digging yourself out of that hole.

Anyway, I thought the film was very good, so imagine how much more you'd enjoy it if you actually like these actors. I suspect Knightley will pull out a Best Actress nom (and deservedly so - the entire film rests on her slender, anorexic shoulders, and she owns it), and the film may also grab a Best Pic nom.

The best part of it all? Only two other people were in the theater and they didn't talk at all. Oh joy, rapture!


Amanda said...

Sometimes I think about being anorexic... then I see her... and I'm like - uh, no. It's not for me. I don't like to be able to see bones.

PS - I really wouldn't be anorexic, nor do I mean any offense to anyone who is or has been in their life.

Linda said...

Amanda, you are hilarious!

Several friends and I were once accused of being anorexic (not that is anything wrong with that) b/c we each lost 10 lbs. Lessie said, "This is the only place where you can be anorexic and still be fat!"
Oh my, that still makes me laugh out loud.

Ali said...

Amanda, what was it that Laura F. used to say after pigging out? "Not to be gross, but if I were bulimic I'd feel much better right now" or somthing like that?

Amanda said...

That's exactly what it was, Al! I saw it from time to time... because, let's face it, I like to pig out. Bring on the holidays!

Thanks, Aunt Linda. Sometimes I'm hilarious without even trying!

Al - did you read Aunt Linda's comment to me on her facebook status? We should go visit her!

Ali said...

We can visit her anytime you want to. The summer is an awesome time to go because she has a fabulous pool, but any time at Aunt Linda's is a fun time.

Unless she makes you strip woodwork.

Linda said...

When has Aunt Linda ever put her guests to work???

Ali said...

Never! I was just teasing because of the comments on FaceBook about the wood-stripping fairy. ;o)

Linda said...

I actually did put Your mom, Jen, and Missy to work stripping wallpaper. However I promise to treat you and Amanda better if for no other reason that you have a blog that seems to be world famous :)

Ali said...

Now that I think about it, James did used to make me wash dishes, and then blame me for all the TastyCakes he ate!