Sunday, November 23, 2008


I think I love Barney.


Anonymous said...

Just wait until you get the some of the episodes where he talks about "bro-code".

Ali said...

Well, I just saw the episode where he's dancing with the girl at the club who turns out to be his cousin, and I laughed in utter horror for, like, three minutes. It was legen - wait for it - dary.

Liz said...

I'm so glad you all like this show too. I never realized what similar tastes we had until this year.

Ali said...

Seriously, between the Buffy and the Sorkin shows and the Twilight books, it's almost like you're a young, pregnant me.

Becky said...

apparently i should ready your blog more!

hehe my favorite: "it's gonna be legen.... wait for it... I hope you're not allergic to... dairy!" Ohhhh that never gets old!

I loved the show so much I watched up to season four and just watched the current episode a few nights ago. Now I'm sitting around like a fool waiting a whole week for each epidsode. People still do that?