Monday, November 24, 2008

I despise Randy Moss with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

I don't want to get into it; it's a long story. Suffice it to say that man will take any opportunity to screw me over and he's proven it in spades this week. I loathe him from the bottom of his hooves to the top of his pitchfork.


Liz said...

For weeks you've been complaining that Cassel won't throw to him, la, la, la and now when he gets 3 touchdowns you hate him?

I am confused by your fickle tastes.

Ali said...

My hatred stems from the fact that he waited until I benched him and then he decided he was going to start actually catching the balls that were flung in his direction.


Linda said...

You used to be so interesting. I miss you....

Liz said...


Kristen said...

Oh Mom, I have to disagree. I find it incredibly entertaining to hear Ali freak out about quarterbacks, etc. with such enthusiasm. It almost makes you think she cares about sports. Almost.