Friday, September 25, 2009

Ali, in the Kitchen, with the Spatula

Tonight Mom, Melis, Jen, and I went to Westwood for Great Cheap Dates and to see Julie and Julia. What a wonderful film! It made me want to cook. With meat. Can you believe that?

I came right home and baked some chocolate chip cookies. It wasn't anything terribly complex or even anything I hadn't made before, but I really wanted to be in the kitchen and to get my hands on some butter. If you learn nothing else from Julia Child, you learn that butter is a wonderous, magical substance that makes everything better than it was before. Ironic then, that Melis sat three seats down from me, munching on butterless popcorn. What a waste.

I also made some spaghetti sqaush for lunch today. Look how pretty it is:



Kristen said...

Ali, seeing you do all this cooking is a little too much to handle. But yummy, I'm sure. I feel like you need to have a bigger kitchen now. I've been wanting to try spaghetti squash for a long time -- yours looks great!

Ali said...

Thanks, Kris! I know, it's bizarre, right? But I'm having a lot of fun.

I wouldn't want a bigger kitchen. Mine is the perfect size for a single cook, and so easy to clean. I wouldn't change a thing.