Friday, September 4, 2009

Farmers' Market Flowers

This week I nabbed some sunflowers for a harvesty, "Hello Fall!" look. I am so ready for Fall.

I also told the Flower Master (that's what I'm calling her now) to just arrange whatever she wanted for my second bouquet. She went with a lovely variety of pinks, with a few pale greens to keep things interesting.

Last week's flowers look pretty much the same as the day I bought them, so that's awesome.

And this week there was something new: dried flower balls. These two went home with me. Wouldn't these be a great favor for a bridal shower?

And on the way back I ran into Aunt Penny, so now all I can think about is delicious cookies.


Melissa K said...

VERY pretty!!! Can't wait to see PA wild flowers! (well, I suppose I have to survive the blasted winter first. (remind me why I didn't wait to decide to move home until Spring?!?)

Ali said...

Because you're dreaming of a white Christmas, and a crisp, colorful Pennsylvania autumn. Think of those gorgeous leaves!

Amanda said...

MMMMM! Aunt Penny cookies!

Melissa K said...

And b/c I can't wait to see my friends AND have unrestricted access to Galiker's Diet Iced Tea!