Monday, September 21, 2009

You know how I laugh when people fall down? Things have just been taken to a new level.

Roger gets my sense of humor.

Last night on Mad Men a secretary drove a John Deere riding mower over a smarmy British guy’s foot. He went down like a French prizefighter and I nearly fell off the couch, so violent was my laughter. Something about the way Harry looked mortified when a fine mist of blood hit his crisp, white oxford shirt, and then Lois drove the mower straight into a plate glass window... I was in hysterics. So much so, that I had to rewind the scene a few times and guffaw again. And if you saw me walking into work this morning, that chuckling was the result of my playing the scene over again in my head.

I have no excuses.


Jimmy Jam said...

I gotta stop reading your blog before seeing the show.

Linda said...

I had the good fortune to stop reading when I saw the title and the photo of Cooper. Tough luck, JimmyJam.

Ali said...

That's actually Sterling, but I see your point. But Linda! Why have you not seen the latest episode?

Linda said...

I saw it before I read the blog. I like to savor each episode and once it's over I have to wait until Sunday for my Mad Men fix. I got spoiled last year when I Netflixed season 1 and could see a 4 hour run with careless abandon. Ah...memories.

Ali said...

I have that same problem with How I Met Your Mother. I have freebased entire seasons of that show at once, and now I have to wait a whole seven days? It's not to be borne!

Jimmy Jam said...

Shall it be borne?! No it shall not!