Monday, September 7, 2009

This QB really ties the team together

My team is drafted and now I just have to hope that Kurt Warner doesn't shatter like a Czech crystal vase. Every time I turn around, someone is reminding me just how old and decrepit he is. Whatev!

Also, I now realize that my team name opens me up to taunts of, "Mark it zero, dude" anytime one of my players fails to produce. I accept that risk.

"Put the piece away, Walter."


Kristen said...

At least you can hope no one will be shoving a pistol in your face when they say it.

Kristen said...

Oh, and btw -- awesome title on your post. :)

Ali said...

Thanks, but that was your Mom's idea. She left it in a comment on the previous post, and when I realized I hadn't put a title on this one, I totally stole it. But then, she sorta stole it from the Coens, so it all evens out.