Saturday, February 27, 2010

Even I am not immune to the power of Canadian kindness.

Did anyone watch the Olympic coverage this afternoon? Tom Brokaw did an hour-long feature on a small town in Newfoundland that took in 7,000 stranded Americans whose planes were grounded after American airspace was shut down on September 11th. I can't really talk about it because I'm too busy crying, but if you caught it you'll understand.

I can only say that this morning I was consumed with bloodlust for the gold medal hockey game tomorrow. I had gotten over the weirdness of rooting against Sidney Crosby and I wanted the Americans to pulverize the Canadians. Just really destroy them, you know? But now I just want them to politely beat the Canadians. You know, nothing too humiliating.


Melissa (sister) said...

I too was bawling, even though I had seen a similar story before.

I've been rooting for Canada a lot. I always like the home team to do well. Didn't even complain that the American girl might have been robbed in figure skating, but then agin, I think the whole world was pulling for Joannie Rochette.

But I still have to pull for American gold in hockey. I need to hear the anthem again.

Ali said...

Yes, and they have taken the most golds, which is wonderful for them, especially since they hadn't won home gold before this. But oh, to win that hockey medal... I try not to think what that would do to the Canadian psyche, but I want that medal so bad.

Unknown said...

I too was in tears. Did you ever see the PBS special called Stranded Yanks? It is pretty much the same story.

Ali said...

Yes, I saw that. Cried at that, too.