Sunday, February 14, 2010

False advertising! (Although it did make me want to eat chicken.)

Have you seen these McDonald's commercials for chicken McNuggets? The tagline is, "golden, juicy chicken McNuggets: the favorite of athletes at the Olympic Winter Games."

Excuse me? Exactly which athletes are these? I find it impossible to believe the superbly conditioned athletes competing in Vancouver are hoovering down Mickey D's. Those biathlon dudes are not eating McNuggets. Ludicrous.

Okay, maybe the curling dudes. Maybe.

Olympic champion Vincent Jay is not eating chicken McNuggets.


Unknown said...

That is so funny and I was just thinking of it the other day.

Anonymous said...

Just like you mentioned...Like those athletes prob. don't eat McD's nuggets, I doubt that celebs like Sarah Jessica Parker and Heather Locklear use cheap hair coloring bought that you can buy at Wal-Mart.