Monday, February 1, 2010

The Zombie Scarecrows

Perhaps you've noticed that one of the items in my Planning List (down and to the left) has been "Fielding a trivia night team at the Windber Hotel." Tonight I remove that item from the list because we totally fielded a trivia night team at the Windber Hotel.

Laura, Mike, P, and I, a.k.a. "The Zombie Scarecrows" (points to those who know why we chose that name), took on a surprisingly large number of other teams. The place was packed with beer-guzzling, cheese-stick-munching, trivia hounds. We were in the hunt till the end, but alas, we failed to place. The sports questions were our undoing. Next time, Gadget. Next time.

P was pumped full of Troeg's Mad Elf. We're not sure if it enhanced or impaired his playing skills.


Melissa (sister) said...

So who on that team did you actualy envision fielding the sports questions?
Flawed drafting

Ali said...

I assure you we were well aware of our shortcomings and lamented not inviting someone like you or Jonas, but you have to work with what you've got. We killed on the spelling and grammar questions.