Saturday, February 6, 2010


I was feeling better this morning so I went out to shovel a path to my garage. Why hello, blizzard. Next door, Jones was standing in the middle of four feet of snow shaking his head, dismayed that he doesn't live in Florida. Anyway, I was shoveling away, listening to my iPod (P!nk is best for shoveling) and I was almost to the garage door when the shovel caught my earbud cord, whipped my iPod out of my pocket and through the air, and disconnected it from the earbuds still lodged in my ears. For a moment I saw its shiny silver backing silhouetted against the bright morning sky and then it was gone. Oh fudge.

Ack! I raced to dig through three feet of snow to discover my precious object. Then I raced into the house (I may have been screaming in horror--I don't know--you'd have to ask Jonas) and dried it as best I could. It actually appears to be working perfectly; the music plays, the Moron Test tests, the Lightsaber app swishes and hums. Thank goodness Apple makes these things idiot-proof because I am the clumsiest person I know.

That was plenty of excitement for one day. The rest of my afternoon will be spent this way:

I can't wait to hear the woman say, "She stepped into the spin, then I'm not sure, but it looked like she got caught in his lederhosen."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for providing me with a laugh. I have been shoveling all day!