Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thoughts on the Closing Ceremonies...

I love that the Canadians can laugh at themselves about the fourth arm malfunction. Awesome.

I am jealous of Team USA's cardigans and I want one.

It was so nice to see Ryan Miller smiling and happy.

I have no idea what is being sung during the Russian national anthem, but it is one of the most beautiful anthems, musically, I have ever heard. (And I even thought that back when it was the Soviet anthem and I was afraid they were going to invade us Red Dawn style.)

My favorite part is always when the IOC President calls upon the youth of the world to assemble four years hence. That gives me a thrill.

Michael J. Fox! Yay!

Michael Buble is Canadian? That was unexpected. (I just love him. He looks like a frat boy, and then he opens his mouth and Sinatra comes out.)

Are those Mounties doing the Charleston? Is that child dressed as a puck? Is that an army of ginormous, inflatable beavers being hauled around by lumberjacks as a tuxedoed crooner presides over it all? Ah, the home of decriminalized marijuana use.

I am so sad the Olympics are over. Thank you, Canada. I can't wait for London.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is hard to believe that they are over. Now I must regroup myself before the Summer Olympics in two years!