Saturday, March 19, 2011

March Meat Meal

Pork roast with sauerkraut, dumplings, and mashed potatoes.

My quest to conquer my fear of raw meat continues. It wasn't pretty. While I didn't have to brown this roast, getting it into the roaster was a saga. It was unwieldy and there was a fair amount of squealing and shrieking with disgust until I was able maneuver it. But the result was worth it. It smells like New Year's Day in here.


Erica Miller said...

I'm proud of you! You nut-case!

Liz said...

Mmmmmmm. my house will never smell like that. it is sad.

Ali said...

Thanks, Erica!

Liz, maybe he'll come around one day.

Melissa (your sister) said...

No Zack, stay strong!

Ali said...

Oh Melis, at least Zack is Polish. What excuse do you have for denying your German heritage?

Linda said...

I find it more than a little strange that your sister has to identify herself as such when you have known her since birth. Let all other pretenders to the name take a back seat to the original!

Ali said...

I have a friend named Melissa, too. One time Melis commented on my blog and I mistook her for my friend and hijinks ensued. So now she always IDs herself like this.