Thursday, March 24, 2011

Trivia Night!

Sorry to those of you who have been waiting with baited breath for a Trivia Night update. Here it is.

This past Monday was the final week of regular competition for the tournament. We didn't win but we ended the evening still in first place overall, thanks in part to a round on PA trivia which Jess rocked like a hurricane. When Jess realized it was an entire round of her favorite trivia, she gushed like an Oscar winner and shrieked, "I am so HAPPY!" It was, quite frankly, hilarious, and she got 9 out of 10 on that round.

The final for the tournament is this Sunday. The top four teams will convene for a pizza party and combat to the death. Or something like that. It should be epic.

Oh, so there's this annoying girl from another team who sometimes talks to my sisters. I can't remember her name, so I call her "the annoying girl." Anway, she asked us at the beginning of the night on Monday if we were going to make it to the final. Melis told her that unless we had a total meltdown we'd make it and she replied, "Oh, well if you guys will make it in then we should too." As though her team was far superior to ours, which, whatever. I politely told her she should be sure to check the standings list to see if her team would make it to the final. I didn't mention that when she did check the list she'd see that our team was in first place and hers was in eleventh. I thought I'd let her find that out on her own.

Also, the cheater team I mentioned last week had NINE people at their table this week, when seven is maximum allowed. Travis is a math teacher and he's always hoping for a round of math-based questions that he can kill at. I was like, "Here's a math question for you: what's 7 plus 2?" Ooh, I was hoppin' mad. Yeah, that's right. Hoppin' mad.


Kristen said...

"I didn't mention that when she did check the list she'd see that our team was in first place and hers was in eleventh." HA!

Ugh, I cannot stand people who feel the need to cheat. Have some decency.

Linda said...

Due to the tedious nature of their subject math teachers should be smart, funny, and good looking. I hope he is a pretty boy :)