Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The way you were was headache-inducing.

Yeah, I'm gonna need an Excedrin after this.

I just watched The Way We Were for the first time and, can anyone tell me, did you find this movie as insufferable as I did? I'm thinking specifically of the Katie character. She was shrill and immature and whiny and every wretched adjective. I have so much stress in my shoulders from hunching over in disgust. And I'm so disappointed because I thought I was going to be treated to a classic love story, which is just the thing for a cold, rainy evening. Oh, I was so played.

I want to know, was this film really the classic it's often hailed as? Because, if so, it's aged about as well as a beach party movie. Or was it really never that great to begin with? Is it one of those movies that's totally overrated but nobody wants to say it?

The famed (and lovely) song is the best thing about it, by far. It is much like Cats in this way. I was so happy when it ended half an hour earlier than my DVR told me it would. I kept checking the timer and I thought I would die. Blessed, blessed credits.

1 comment:

Liz said...

you're not alone.