Thursday, March 31, 2011

Someone needs to have twins so I have an excuse to buy these shirts.

This has been your daily dose of cute.


Linda said...

Love how their arms are intertwined as if they know "copy" and "paste" go together like love and marriage. BTW their blanket is also fabulous.

Melissa (your sister) said...

Cute idea, but poor execution
I don't even think they look alike:

It's like someone copied from Word 2003 and pasted into 2007 and the font no longer exists.

And BTW, I thought twins freaked you out!

Ali said...

Shh! Melis! I've decided not to tell people about that anymore.

Kristen said...

Haha, well put, Missy. Cute idea, anyway.

Al, is it just identical twins that freak you out?

Ali said...


Erica Miller said...

Oh my, Ali! I didn't know twins freak you out! I too have twin-o-phobia. Mine really is just for adult identical twin males. They are so creepy. Like Leslie and Lee the furniture appraisers on Antiques Roadshow and Shenderovich and Shenderovich, attorneys at law. (if you don't have to watch these commercials, you are so fortunate!) Yikes! It's nightmarish to me!

Ali said...

Gah! Antiques Roadshow!

Okay, apprently I was the last person in the free world to discover this show. I happened upon it one day as I flipped through the channels and I stopped to see some sort of desk or trunk or whatever that they were discussing. The camera panned across this man, across the trunk, and then over to... the same man! I was like, "What? What are they even doing? What kind of special effects budget does PBS have?" Then they both walked into frame together and I jumped and shrieked and the remote went flying.

Please, no one discuss this story in front of Mike.

Erica Miller said...

Oh, Mike! Um, sorry! Please don't keep me from Jack! I will say that Mike and his brother don't come off creepy like Leslie and Lee who are always in similar suits with the same haircuts. Mike and his brother seem more like individuals.

Linda said...

There is no way that Matt is as funny as Mike. But if he is we need to invite him to the next family gathering.

Ali said...

Oh my, double boycotting.

Amanda said...

So next time I'm home (or next time you visit me), let's go to a fertility clinic - I would love to arrange me having twins so that you can get these onesies for them! :o)